Application Review Division (ARD)

To ensure that ICCI maintains excellence in career certification, the ARD Committee review all applications for certification.

The committee is made up of Career Management Fellows. Once each application has been reviewed, it is either passed to the Board with a recommendation for approval at their next monthly Board meeting, or if it doesn't meet the required level, returned with a request for further information. 

Through the work of the ARD Committee ICCI ensure that it's Certificants maintain a high quality of excellence in their work in Career and Talent Management. 

Joy Packard
Joy Packard


Tony Crosby, CMF
Tony Crosby, CMF

Melbourne, Australia

Susan Chritton, CMF
Susan Chritton, CMF

Lafayette, CA USA

Paul Heng, CMF
Paul Heng, CMF


Judith Dawson, CMF
Judith Dawson, CMF

Vancouver, BC Canada

Don Huse, CMF
Don Huse, CMF

San Antonio, TX USA

Bob Maher, CMF
Bob Maher, CMF

Plano, TX USA